Manager of all investment activities of the Flying Kiwi Angels group of investors. Executive Director ♢ NZ 5003760
Custodian of financial instruments on behalf of benefitial owners who are connected with FKA. Executive Director ♢ NZ 5455021
Helping startup founders and corporate leaders to make their business better and bigger. Executive Director ♢ NZ 895774
Private investment vehicle decicated to investing in Kiwi startups. Investment Director ♢ NZ 5882258
Shopping carts that provide fun for young families and digital media advertising for brands. Chairman ♢ NZ 5817009
Film footage from global movie sets in seconds to directors and post poduction anywhere. Independent Director ♢ NZ 5902927
Car park management in the cloud. Access control and mobile pre-booking. Independent Director ♢ NZ 1952000
Getting young kids off the couch with outdoor VR games. Independent Director ♢ NZ 5813348